something to ponder.....
The word "destroyed" occures 18 times in the King James New Testament. "love" was found 328 times in 263 verses in the New Testament.
"for moses said unto the fathers, "a prophet ( jesus - verse 20 ) shall the lord your god raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me, him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you.
and it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people.
" ( acts 3:22, 23 ).
something to ponder.....
The word "destroyed" occures 18 times in the King James New Testament. "love" was found 328 times in 263 verses in the New Testament.
"for moses said unto the fathers, "a prophet ( jesus - verse 20 ) shall the lord your god raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me, him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you.
and it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people.
" ( acts 3:22, 23 ).
The one important thing we can learn from this is that any religion that takes a few Scriptures out of context to try and make a point is lacking the full impact of what it really means.
I can quote a few lines of anything, even the American Consitution and it would sound like we were an evil communist state.
The Bible is more than a few Scriptures. There are 39 books that make up the Old Testament, and 27 in the New. The Old Testament was written primarily in Hebrew with some portions of Ezra-Nehemiah in Aramaic. The Old Testament is devided into three sections; the Law or Torah, the Prophets, devided into Former, Latter, and the Writings. The Writings fall into three groups; Poetic, Festival Scrolls of Megilloth (Ruth, Esther, Ecc., Songs of Solomon, and Lamentations.
The New Testament is written in Greek and is organized into; narrative books, epistles, and Revelation. There are different methods of interpreting these books; hermeneutical being one as there are different methods of study. There is the study of the subject matter, theological doctrines and teachings, and Biblical history.
There are moral teachings for living, additional areas of information, the study of the bible for its meaning, and the study of it for the inspired authors meaning. There is a roll of the Holy Spirit in interpretation, importance of genre within the Bible, and present day application.
There is the study of the texts and versions; it was written on papyrus, parchment made of sheep and animal hides, paper AD 105. There is the Leningrad Codex, the Aleppo Codex, the Codex Cairensis, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Samaritan Pentateuch, originated about the 5th century BC and was transmitted independently of the Masoretic Text.
Biblical theology has existed since the Bible was written. There are foundational pronciples, methodologies involved with understanding it. It is far too deep a book, to take a few Scriptures and say that these few Scriptures negate that there is anything good to be learned from it.
in my humblest of opinions......
shining one just did a thread on an article that supposedly shows the bible was not fabricated.
i didn't want to hijack his thread, so i started this one.. .
i'm getting old, i guess, and maybe alzheimer's is starting in, but i have lost my vision, my understanding, my assurity if you will.
I hope my children love me. I hope they have lots of good feelings for me. I'm really happy when they call me. (My 17 year old musician just called while I was typing this) When they remember all the things I did for them, it makes me happy. When they show me that they appreciate me being their mom, it makes my heart burst with joy. I only have good thoughts for my children...oh wait God said something like that too...for God so loved the world...
...sometimes religion has misrepresented Gods love for us. The WTBTS did.
i am not trying to vent here, however i have somewhat of an internal dilema.
having been a very faithful, committed jw for many years, .
i do not understand how the (current) gb justifies applying the title fds .
If the FDS is a "class", then why stop there? Why not also have a evil slave class? Master class? Domestics class? Wise virgins class? Foolish virgins class? and on and on we go......
Darn it Truth leave my class out of it.
Apostate Kate; of the Foolish virgins class
i am not trying to vent here, however i have somewhat of an internal dilema.
having been a very faithful, committed jw for many years, .
i do not understand how the (current) gb justifies applying the title fds .
Matthew 24:45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
Now what true theologians have to say about it.....
Mt 24:45
Verses 45--51. This passage is in fact a parable, though it is not
expressly so called. The design is to show that his disciples should
act as if they were each moment expecting his return. This he
illustrates by the conduct of a servant who did not expect his master
soon to return, who acted with great impropriety, and who was
accordingly punished.
Verse 45. Who then is a faithful and wise servant, etc. By the
conduct of a faithful and wise servant he intends to denote a faithful
Christian, a servant of God, or a teacher of religion.
Whom his lord. His master. It has no reference to God. It means the
lord or master of the servant. Applied to Christian teachers, in the
spiritual meaning of the parable, it refers to Christ, who has
appointed them as teachers, and who is their Lord and Master, Joh
Over his household. His family. Christian ministers are the servants
of God appointed over the church, the family of Christ, 1Th 5:12-13;
1Co 3:5; 4:1; 12:28.
Meat in due season. The word meat here means food of all kinds.
When the Bible was translated into English, it included, as the
original does, all kinds of provisions requisite to support and nourish
In due season. At the proper time. As they need it, or in the
accustomed times. This was the office of a steward. Among the
ancients this office was often filled by a slave--one who had shown
himself trusty and faithful. The duty was to have a general
superintendence over the affairs of the family. Applied to Christian
ministers, it means that they are to feed the flock of God, to minister
to their wants, and to do it as they need it, Joh 21:15-17; Ac 20:28;
1Co 4:1-2. Albert Barnes
Mt 24:45
These words may be applied two ways.
1. To all the faithful servants of Christ in general.
Thence learn, That for a person to spend and end his days in the
service of Christ, and doing his will, gives good assurance of a
blessed condition. Blessed is that servant.
2. To the ministers of the gospel in special may these words be
And here observe, 1. The character and duty of a gospel-minister:
He is the steward of Christ's household to give them their meat
in due season.
Observe, 2. The qualifications requisite in such stewards,
faithfulness and prudence: Who then is that faithful and wise
Observe, 3. The reward insured to such stewards as answer these
qualifications: Blessed is that servant. BURKETT
Mt 24:45
Who then is a faithful and wise servant? In Lu 12:42-46, is given
a similar parable in answer to a question of Peter. There the Lord
speaks of "the faithful and wise steward;" here he describes a
steward, but speaks of him as a servant.
Ruler. Preachers, elders, deacons, Sunday-school superintendents,
Household. All under their religious charge.
Peoples New Testament Commentary
Lu 12:42
Who then is the faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall
set over his household, to give them their portion of food in
due season? The answer of Jesus shows that he especially
addressed the disciples, for a steward is distinct from the
household. On him the whole burden and care of the domestic
establishment rested. Thus Jesus showed that he meant the
disciples, yet did not exclude any who heard from profiting by his
discourse. Fidelity is the first requisite in a steward, and wisdom is
the second. All Christians are stewards; preachers, elders,
Sunday-school teachers, etc., are stewards of place and office. Rich
men, fathers, etc., are stewards of influence and possessions.
TheFourfold Gospel and Commentary
hello again from sunny north carolina!!!.
our state lotto started today, and i won 15 dollars, and only bought 1 $1 card.
so whoop whoop for gambling.. i was in miami florida last week for the photoshop world conference, but i also got to tour the everglades, where i took some beautiful pictures.
Richie Luv shouldn't you mask your face? I think you should wear a black Lone Ranger mask.
now that i've read ray franz's part about how his uncle and others with little actual greek or hebrew training translated the bible into the nwt, i've been interested in finding the best bible out there is correctly translated by people who know what the hell they are talking about.
i've also been looking at other religions lately, ones that are "somewhat" close to the jw's teachings to an extent, and have been interested in seventh day adventists.
I'll stick to the KJ. I have been comparing Bibles for years and I will find words translated in other versions that I don't like at all. For instance other versians will change the fact that Mary was a virgen to Mary was a maiden. Maiden meaning unmarried woman, virgin or not.
As far as a church, I prayed about it and God sent me here;
All the pastors I have met there have been very dedicated to honest Bible teaching. I tried SDA, Seventh Day Adventists. They are just an offshoot of the WTBTS that stopped declaring the end of the world. My kids went to SDA schools. They are legalistic at times. I actually had a SDA aquaintence tell me that anybody that worships God on Sundays are going to die at Armageddon. That was it for me.
Now all my adult children worship God at Calvary Chapels. They are happy, well adjusted, succesful kids. We love the praise and worship music! It is a pleasure to go, no stress, no cult, no funky rules, no dress code. They believe you come just as you are, Jesus will meet you where you are. Calvary Chapels are also usually involved in local charities, or have a great support system, food cupboard, helps etc. Most of the pastors are well educated, not "theocratic ministry school" indoctrinated robots.
i was reading coc last night and i started pondering over minimus' post of how the dubs are saying this is the last memorial and the end is finally here.
then i remembered the teaching that the first setoff to the big a. any thoughts on this?.
luv, jojo
Does anyone know if anything has anything been printed alluding to this?
my uncle ocasionally complains about how my aunt loves her adult children more than him because she's always thinking about them, worrying about them and reaching out to them.
i think that's a surprising viewpoint because i thought that most mothers (and many fathers) love their children above all others.. do you think that's true?
should a parent love their children more than the spouse (or significant other)?
Well here's the thing;
A man needs to know that he is everything to his wife. He needs to know that she thinks he is the bomb, the STUD, the fixer of everything broke, the king of the cabin, a man needs this. It is all in how you manifest the love. If a woman loves her man she is going to learn how to show it to him in the way that he can receive it. Then he will have a deeper love and compassion for her love and commitment to her children.
Men may come and go, but your children are your children forever. But to all live in harmony a man needs to feel like a man. He needs to be respected by the children, biological and step children. The parental unit has to stay united and support each other.
Now if one person is asking the other to sacrifice the children...well that's a very bad situation. Then a parent may need to chose the child over the partner. I've been in that situation and it ended pretty ugly.
Now if ever there was a strong argument for evolution, it say that is it, what with the rapid change from fruit to blood and all.
well hell we got moskeetoes dried in fosselized amber like 10 billion years old, you would think they would have evolved into science professors by now....but noooooooooo the darn things are still sucking